Combat>Mental aspects>Self-reliance

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When you are in trouble or in danger, the only person you can count on to help you is yourself. There may be others around to help you, either because they care about you, they have a legal duty to help you, or there is a moral duty to help you. However, they may be unable to help, be too late to help, or choose not to help you. The only person who is always available to help is—you.

Assume help is not coming

If available and able, family or friends may help you. If available and able, public or private safety personnel have a legal duty to help you. We all have a moral duty to help others if we are able but regrettably, morals are not a part of the “woke” generation; however, they will happily video your demise and post it online. 

Many people are even afraid to report to authorities that you are in danger. People know that if they get involved, their act of goodwill may result in having to testify for you, lawsuits from you or your attacker, lawyer fees, threats to themselves or family, or even placement in a witness protection program. Most people react instinctively to help others, but others hesitate and then choose not to help. Many people are either too scared to help you or for legal, safety, or personal reasons, they do not want to get involved.

So do not rely on others to help you. Only rely on yourself. If help comes, fine. If it does not come, you will take care of things yourself. To be able to help yourself, you must be prepared. When something bad happens or you are attacked, it is too late to prepare. Preparation not only prepares you for action, but it also gives you the confidence that you can take action to help yourself when the need arises.

Ask for help when needed, take help when offered, but only rely on yourself.

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