Articles with general information that is common to all the martial arts.
Fighting: Fighting is what humans do.
About the term "martial arts": The meaning of the term martial arts.
What is a martial art?: What makes something a martial art?
What makes a martial art an "art"?: Are martial arts really a form of art?
Categories of martial arts: Ways to categorize martial arts.
Types of martial arts: Other ways to classify martial arts.
Why study a martial art?: Reasons why you should study a martial art.
Mas Oyama on the martial arts: Some views of Mas Oyama, the founder of kyokushin karate.
Physical or mental: How much of the martial arts is physical and how much is mental?
Martial arts vs. religion: Do the martial arts compete with religious beliefs.
Martial arts beliefs: Believing the wrong things may get you killed.
Inconvenient truths: Some truths that people don't want to hear.
Multiple martial arts ranks: What about people with black belts in multiple martial arts?
Fine 'martial' arts: Can the martial arts be classified as fine arts?
Getting serious: The primary reason to train in a martial art is to stop someone from attacking you.
Martial arts criticism: There are detractors of the martial arts.