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How to find


How do you look to find a martial arts school in your area?

Search methods

Like other types of businesses, what the advertising says about a martial arts school may or may not be correct. Quality instruction may be found for a reasonable price, high cost does not always mean high quality. Some places to look for a martial arts school are:
  • Word of mouth from friends or acquaintances.
  • Bulletin boards in martial arts supply stores, gyms, Asian bookstores, Oriental restaurants, or local colleges.
  • Offered as college courses.
  • Offered as community or civic center programs.
  • Classified ads in newspapers or local free papers found in racks outside food stores.
  • Online search.
  • Road or storefront signs.
  • Yellow Pages.
Once you find all the schools or classes in your are, then:
  • Make a list of schools within your acceptable travel distance. 
  • Research each school online and in social media
  • Visit each school and watch both beginning and advanced classes at each one. 
  • If a school offers a free introductory class, take it to see how you like it.
Once you have a final list of possible choices, make an appointment to meet each owner/instructor to see which one is the best choice for you.

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