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Korean holidays

January 2: New Year

The New Year is one of South Korea's most important holidays. Three days are set aside for family celebrations that honoring parents and grandparents, shooting off firecrackers to frighten away evil spirits, and eating holiday foods. Although New Year's Day legally occurs on January 1, many Koreans still celebrate the traditional Lunar New Year, which usually occurs in February.

March 1: Movement Day

April 8: Buddha's Birthday

The birthday of the Buddha is an important holiday for Korean Buddhists. They hang lanterns in the courtyards of Buddhist temples throughout the country. These lanterns are then carried through the streets in nighttime processions. Everyone goes to a Buddhist temple and lights a candle with their name and a message to the Buddha. Most people celebrate his birthday even if they are not Buddhist.

April 5: Arbor Day

May 5: Children's Day

Early June

Tanoalso, called Swing Day, is a major holiday in rural areas. It is the traditional time to pray for a good harvest and is celebrated with a variety of games and competitions, including wrestling matches for men and swinging contests for women.

June 6: Memorial Day

July 17: Constitution Day

August 15: Liberation Day

October 3: National Foundation Day

December 25: Christ's Birthday

Same as in the United States. Most people celebrate even if they are not Christian. In Korea, there is not as much gift giving as in the United States.

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