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Specific exercises
Various exercises for martial artists to perform.
Exercise list
- Side-straddle hop (jumping-jacks)
- Jump slightly while moving the legs more than a shoulder-width apart, swinging the arms overhead, and clapping the palms together.
- oump slightly while swinging the arms sideward and downward, returning to the position of attention.
- Variation. While jumping, move the legs forward and backward instead of to the sides.
- Stand with the feet a shoulder-width apart.
- Jump up repeatedly while kicking the heels toward the buttocks.
- Stand with the feet together, hands placed behind the head with the fingers interlaced.
- Keeping the feet together, jump sideways to the left.
- Keeping the feet together, jump sideways to the right.
- Lie on the back with the hands beneath the buttocks, the head raised, and the knees slightly bent.
- Alternately, raise and lower the legs, keeping the knees slightly bent and feet eleted 6 to 18 inches above the floor.
- Stand in a wide, side-straddle position with the palms facing each other and the arms overhead and straight.
- Bend at the knees and waist. Slowly bring the arms down and reach between the legs as far as possible. Ensure the angle formed by the upper and lower legs is never less than 90 degrees.
- Recover slowly to the start position.
- Stand with the feet about a shoulder-width apart with the knees flexed. Bend forward at the waist, aligning the arms with the torso and hips. Always keep the arms straight with the palms facing. Keep the head and eyes to the front.
- Jump slightly while swinging the arms up to shoulder level and back to the start position.
- Jump strongly while swinging the arms to an overhead position while briefly looking skyward. While descending, return the arms to the side, keep the head and eyes to the front, and flex the knees.
- Stand with the feet a shoulder-width apart, with the hands on the hips, with the thumbs at small of the back, and the elbows pointed backward.
- Bend the knees, lower to a half-squat position while maintaining balance on the balls of the feet.
- With the trunk inclined slightly forward, thrust the arms forward to shoulder level with the elbows locked and the palms down.
- Recover to the start position.
- Keeping the knees slightly bent, bend forward at the waist, and touch the floor in front of the toes. Recover to the start position.
- Lunge diagonally forward to the left by stepping in that direction with the left foot, with the knee over the foot.
- At the same time, extend the arms sideward at shoulder level with the palms up, with the head and shoulders squarely to the front.
- Bend slowly forward and downward over the left thigh, and wrap the arms around the thigh, hands grasping opposite arms above elbows.
- Recover slowly to the second position by releasing the arms, straightening the trunk, and extending the arms sideways, with the palms up.
- Resume the attention stance by dropping the arms and returning the left foot.
- Repeat the exercise to the right side.
- Stand with the feet a shoulder-width apart, with the hands on the hips, with the thumbs at small of the back, and with the elbows pointed backward.
- Bend at the knees, lean slightly forward at the waist with the head up and slide the hands along outside of the legs until extended fingers reach the top of the middle of the lower leg.
- Recover to start position.
- Lie prone with the feet together, with the arms together and extended forward in front of the body.
- Always keep the arms and legs straight.
- Move the right arm and left leg up.
- Return to the start position.
- Move the left arm and right leg up.
- Return to the starting position.
- Studies have shown this to be one of the best abdominal exercises.
- Assume a supine position with the hips and knees flexed.
- Place the palms on top of the head with the fingers interlaced.
- Bring the left knee upward while curling the trunk upward and touch the right elbow to the left knee.
- Repeat with the other leg and elbow.
- Stand with the arms straight and in front of the body.
- The arms should be parallel to the floor with the palms downward.
- Bring the left knee upward to the left elbow.
- Return to the starting position.
- Touch the right knee to the right elbow.
- Recover to start position.
- Be sure to keep the arms parallel to the floor throughout the entire exercise.
- Jump slightly and move the left foot forward and the right foot backward, landing with both the knees slightly bent.
- Simultaneously, move the right arm upward and forward to shoulder height and the left arm back as far as possible, keeping the arms straight and the palms inward.
- Jump slightly and move the right foot forward and the left foot backward.
- Simultaneously, move the left arm upward and forward to shoulder height and the right arm back as far as possible.
- Assume the front-leaning rest position with the hands placed comfortably apart, the feet together or up to 12 inches apart, and the body forming a straight line from the shoulders to the ankles.
- Keeping the body straight, lower the body until the upper arms are parallel to the floor.
- Then, push up to the initial position by straightening the arms.
- To train the muscles more completely, place the hands at varying widths.
- Elevating the feet to different heights makes the push-ups more difficult.
- Push-ups are also more difficult when the hands and feet are placed on boxes or chairs, so the exercise moves through a fuller range of motion.
- To do extra repetitions when fatigued, drop to the knees while keeping the knees, the hips, and the shoulders in a straight line.
- Lie on the back with feet together or up to 12 inches apart, the knees bent to 90 degrees, and the fingers interlocked behind the head.
- Raise the upper body forward to a vertical position so that the base of the neck is above the base of the spine.
- Lower in a controlled manner until the bottom of the shoulder blades touch floor.
- Variations: Keep the feet elevated or cross the hands on the chest.
- Hang from a horizontal bar with the arms fully extended.
- Bend the elbows and pull upward until the chin is above the bar; do not swing or kick.
- Return to the starting position in a controlled manner.
- Variations. Use an overhand (pull-up), an underhand (chin-up), or alternating grips, with the hands close together, far apart, or at shoulder-width. If unable to complete a chin-up using proper form, elevate yourself to up position with help and hang there, or slowly lower yourself to starting position. Repeat until able to perform the complete motion required.
- Start in a standing position with the feet close together, squat, and put the palms outside and slightly forward of the feet.
- With the weight supported by the hands, thrust the feet back so that you are in the "up position" for a standard pushup.
- Do a push-up and return to the up position.
- Immediately after the push-up, pull the feet up to the hands in one movement, and stand up to the original position.
- Lie flat on the back with the legs straight and the arms extended above the head.
- Now, "jackknife" body by raising the legs straight up, crunching the stomach until the toes and the fingers meet straight above the body.
- The legs and arms are kept straight throughout the movement.
- Imagine that you are squeezing a giant lemon with your body.
- oie flat on the back with the legs straight and the arms at the sides.
- Now "nod" the head until the chin touches the upper chest.
- Return the head to the mat and repeat continuously.
- Stand with the feet close together, step forward with one leg into a deep lunge, and keep the other leg straight.
- Push back up and repeat with the other leg.
- Be careful not to let the knee go farther than the toes on the leg that lunges forward.
- From a standard push-up position, walk the hands back until they are about 2 and a half feet in front of toes (adjust accordingly for body size) to a "jackknife" position with legs straight.
- Now bend the knees until the butt touches the heels, the arms still straight.
- Straighten your legs back to the push-up position.
- Slowly lower into a full squatting position.
- Now explode upward and forward as high, hard, and fast as possible.
- As the body reaches its apex, extend the arms and legs into a "star" shape.
- Cushion the landing by flexing the knees.
- Stand with the legs together and raise a knee as high as possible, preferably to the chest.
- Make sure to stand completely straight.
- Raise your knee slowly with control.
- Alternate legs, and repeat.
- Clasp the hands behind the head, raise the knee straight up to the side with the goal of touching the knee to the underside of the arm.
- Keep the body completely erect and do not jerk the leg.
- If you are facing the North, your knees and toes should be pointing to the East or West when you do this movement.
- Begin with the feet a shoulder-width apart and the toes pointing straight ahead. Keep the back straight and lower the buttocks until the thighs are parallel to the floor.
- As you lower the buttocks, the hands are BEHIND your legs, and they follow you toward the floor.
- As you hit the parallel-to-the-ground position, simultaneously raise the heels from the floor.
- Push off the toes, raising the body to a standing position.
- As you raise the body, the hands come IN FRONT of the body and continue to rise until they are level with the chest.
- Once the up position is reached, make tight fists with the hands, and pull the arms in toward the chest as if rowing a boat, keeping the elbows close to the body as you pull.
- Inhale as you pull the arms in, exhale as you lower to the squat.
- Get down on all fours and walk around like a bear.
- Sit on the floor, raise on the hands and feet, and walk around like a crab.
- Lie face down on the floor and crawl keeping the torso as close to the floor as possible without touching it.
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