Techniques>Strikes>Bottom-fist strikes

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Bottom-fist strikes


In a bottom-fist strike, the hand is held in a clenched fist. The area of impact is the fleshy area of the bottom of a clenched fist.


  • Hammer fist strike. A strike that is usually used to the temple, ribs, back of the neck or hand, or to the side of the elbow. It is executed in an inward, horizontal motion with the knuckles facing down or in a downward motion with the knuckles facing outward.
  • Inverted bottom fist strike. A strike that is usually used to the temple or ribs. It is executed in an outward, horizontal motion with the knuckles facing upward.
  • Twisted bottom fist strike. A strike that is usually used to the chin. An inverted bottom fist punch that over rotates 90° until the thumb is pointed downward and the knuckles face inward. It is executed in an upward motion under the opponent’s chin.
  • Double bottom fist strike. A strike that is usually used to the temple or ribs. Two inward bottom fist strikes are executed at the same time to opposite sides of the same target.
  • Spinning bottom fist strike. A strike that is usually used to the temple or ribs. It is executed by rotating the body 360° toward the side executing the strike with an inverted bottom-fist strike.

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