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To attain proficiency in martial arts, students must learn to use the full potential of their bodies using basic scientific principles. Everyone instinctively knows how to kick and punch, even an infant will make fists and punch and kick when upset. However, it may take years of dedicated training and practice to deliver a punch or kick instinctively with devastating speed and power.



About force: Force makes is what makes you move and what makes your techniques powerful.

Application of force: Ways martial artists use the application of force.


Physics of power: How physics relates to the performance of the martial arts.

Flow of power
: Energy flows as ki from the tanjun to the target.

Measured power: Some power measurements of trained MMA fighters.

Maximum power: Ways to attain maximum power.

More about power: Some more points about power.


Muscles: Muscles are our prime movers.

Laws of motion. We can't perform the martial arts without them.

Action-reaction: Use these forces to increase power.

Rotation: Using rotation to add power.

Relaxation-tension-relaxation: Using relaxation and tension to add power.


Timing: The timing of an attack affects the power of the technique.

Chamber-extend-retract: Use a full range of motion to add speed and power.

Linear/thrusting motion: Using linear attacks.

Hips: Use the hips to add power.

Hip rotation: Using the centrifugal force of the hips.

Hip snap-winding-sine wave-sawtooth: Ways of stepping into a technique.

Dropping: The finishing touch.

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